Thursday, April 12, 2012


No great success for many years. Not pretty but I got something.

There are a few more out in my yard. But a little disappointing.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Chestnuts: Time to cook them

So I was at Luigi's place the other day and collected some chestnuts.

The boys got them out of their husks the other day, so I put a slit in each of them

And got them on top of the fire:

They're small, but we had some the other night. They were good.

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Artichokes: let's see how these ones go

I've had one in for two years now. It gave me three heads last year and it's re-shooting. Excellent.

My father in law reported that while he has about ten plants, he only got about five heads. So while he's away I decided I'd divide his plants and re-set his garden for great yields. When I go there later, I'll post some photos of his plot. But the upside is that I got some plants too.

They grow a woody root, and as long as you have a sprout of green, you have a new plant. And it'll give you at least one artichoke in the first year, by my experience. So I have a few in pots and now a line down the back of my vege garden.

Now all I need is to pile in some granular fertiliser, like rose food, and wellbe great.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Exploding pomegranate

You know they're begging to offer up their goodness when they start throwing their seeds at you.

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Chookies love to be thrown some green

At Luigi's place:

While the sulphur crested cockatoos are enjoying the walnuts.

One of these, I'm happy about.

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Chestnuts: act quickly

I came to Luigi's place to water some plants and collect some eggs. He's in India/Indonesia at the moment and things are fine in his garden, but nobody takes care of it as you would.

But his chestnut tree has dropped a lot of fruit. I wasn't planning to collect chestnuts, but I will. And this is what you do, roll them under your feet and take the chestnuts out.

I might build a fire and cook some "castagni" tonight.

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Monday, April 2, 2012

Perhaps a seedling has made it through

Brother in law Aaron gave me some seeds to one of the hottest chillis in the world. The seeds were a few years old but I planted nine and he planted some too. Worth a try.

They didn't come up. But I kept the pots I'd used, and just put some leek seeds on top of them. It meant I could continue to pay attention to the failed seeds, just in case.

So I may have got one, after all that. It looks a little 'chilli like' but not like the 'Chapeau de Frade' that I've been growing for the last few years.

If so, I will have had a little win in the garden. Yay.

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