Lovin' corporate leftovers

At the end of the function when the organiser is saying "do you want to take this home?". I held back but when everyone had gone I was happy enough to take all that bread and cheese.

Yeh sure I have kids to feed. And man, can I make thode ingredients sing! First world problems.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A phantom Jerusalem Cherry

It sprung up in a pot I planted out. I didnt know what it was but it looked yummy.

So then I ate some, got sick and I googled a bit on "Solanacae red berry", and found it was a Jerusalem Cherry. Poisonous for sure, but they are really good perennial plants and apparently easy enough to grow.

You just need to deal with the worriers who think it's up to everyone else to keep their kids and pets safe from poisonous plants.

But I'll be growing a few for next season.