I've just moved into a place that doesn't have much soil, and what it has is not very pretty. It's typical Adelaide red soil. That can be great as long as you have fixed it up.
So the first thing I did was put a full bag of gypsum into my little 2 metres squared of soil. In the basic area I planted broad beans which, during winter, will get their roots through the soil and begin to bring it to life.
In the special area where I hope to get a little bit of my own stuff I have just throw in some organic matter over the top and progressively overwinter I will add more gypsum and organic matter and worm castings and compost. Buy spring the soil will be alive and ready to take whatever it is I have to plant.
In the meantime I'll have to make do with containers and make the soil is fertile as I can in there as well full stop when it is exodus time at least I will have nicely established plants for my new place.